Sunrooms are often completed or added on to homes after the rest of the house is already built. This means that you need to consider its heating and cooling separately from the rest of the home. There are myriad different options for you to choose from when considering how you want to heat and cool your new sunroom. Here’s a guide to your choices.
Replacement of existing HVAC system. If your existing HVAC system is already quite old and in need of replacing, you may want to consider a replacement that incorporates your sunroom. This is great for convenience because you can control the temperature in the room the same way as you control the temperature in the rest of the house, making for a streamlined experience. This is, of course, one of the more expensive options for heating and cooling.
Use a space heater. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you can simply use a space heater for your sunroom heating needs. This is best in a relatively small space that doesn’t get too cold. Make sure you are following all space heater safety guidelines when running it, and you have a cheap option to keep your sunroom toasty.
Expand your existing vents. To cool your sunroom, you have the option of building out the A/C vents that you already have in your home. Make sure your HVAC system has enough capacity to cover this additional cooling load before jumping into this option. You will want to contact Beam HVAC expand the bents and ductwork- don’t try to do this option yourself unless you are trained. We will also know if your system can handle the extra square footage for cooling or if you would need a new system.
Use a window A/C Unit. Much like using a space heater to heat, using a window air conditioner to cool is another option for your sunroom. The advantages to this are that it is cheap and easy to use, but the downside of course is that it is not connected to your central air unit, so you have to control the window A/C individually. You’ll also need to take it in and out each season, depending on if it is hot or cold.
Go ductless. A ductless heating/cooling system, which is sometimes called a mini split system, is a great option if your current HVAC system can’t handle the expanded load of a new room. The ductless system won’t obscure any windows, unlike a traditional one room A/C unit. It has a unit outside, as well as a wall mounted unit inside. This option is a little more expensive, but can definitely be worth it long-term.
Consult Beam HVAC if you’re unsure which option is best for you, or if you need help installing your new or expanded system. As always, it’s best to leave anything that is beyond your scope to the experts.